Operation Wildfire Access Pass
Operation Wildfire Access Pass
Active Offers
Market | Price | Updated at |
Waxpeer | $135.00 | 27.12.2024 09:00 |
Market CSGO | $308.64 | 08.02.2025 09:00 |
Price History
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The Operation Wildfire event ran from February 17th, 2016 to July 13th, 2016. This pass no longer grants access to an Operation, but may be redeemed for a commemorative Operation Wildfire Coin.
Community Rating
3.9(7 votes)
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The Operation Wildfire event ran from February 17th, 2016 to July 13th, 2016. This pass no longer grants access to an Operation, but may be redeemed for a commemorative Operation Wildfire Coin.