Col. Mangos Dabisi | Guerrilla Warfare

Col. Mangos Dabisi | Guerrilla Warfare

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MarketPriceUpdated at
Waxpeer$19.0108.02.2025 09:00
Market CSGO$20.1408.02.2025 09:00

Price History

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"Operation Riptide"
September 20, 2021

Item Class



Early in his life Col. Mangos Dabisi was trained and promoted within Ugandan military. He ended his military career with a rare Dishonorable Discharge for intimidating his subordinates into paying him 'sleep well money' — promising a good night's sleep to those who paid him. Turns out, a good night's sleep was merely a lack of intentional injuries inflicted by Dabisi himself. Dabisi's imposing stature and military skill made him an attractive acquisition for the Guerrilla Warfare (GW). Constantly over-using force and needing to be reined in, Dabisi's reputation as a GW powerhouse is well deserved. I chop your doller or your neck. You choose.

Community Rating

3.8(15 votes)


Early in his life Col. Mangos Dabisi was trained and promoted within Ugandan military. He ended his military career with a rare Dishonorable Discharge for intimidating his subordinates into paying him 'sleep well money' — promising a good night's sleep to those who paid him. Turns out, a good night's sleep was merely a lack of intentional injuries inflicted by Dabisi himself. Dabisi's imposing stature and military skill made him an attractive acquisition for the Guerrilla Warfare (GW). Constantly over-using force and needing to be reined in, Dabisi's reputation as a GW powerhouse is well deserved. I chop your doller or your neck. You choose.