Chem-Haz Capitaine | Gendarmerie Nationale
Chem-Haz Capitaine | Gendarmerie Nationale
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Market | Price | Updated at |
Waxpeer | $14.99 | 08.02.2025 09:00 |
Market CSGO | $16.05 | 08.02.2025 09:00 |
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As leader for Chemical and BioHazard combat operations in populated areas, the Gendarmerie Chem-Haz Capitaine plays a crucial role within the organization. Celebrated for orchestrating the successful rescue of an entire domestic airport's civilian occupancy in the infamous sarin gas attack of 1997, the Chem-Haz Capitaine is the epitome of preparedness and composure. Don't forget to breathe.
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As leader for Chemical and BioHazard combat operations in populated areas, the Gendarmerie Chem-Haz Capitaine plays a crucial role within the organization. Celebrated for orchestrating the successful rescue of an entire domestic airport's civilian occupancy in the infamous sarin gas attack of 1997, the Chem-Haz Capitaine is the epitome of preparedness and composure. Don't forget to breathe.